Any business based on plants or animals depends on the the weather. Nothing grows without water, nor without sunlight (well very few). While every farmer knows this fact, it can be difficult to measure accurately what these critical inputs are. In addition, farmers also need to plan to avoid the worst that the weather can throw at them: floods, drought, hail and frost.
Farming at Scottech has been developed by Scott Technical Instruments to help farmers understand the confusing world of dataloggers and the new technology for environmental monitoring. This technology should add to your own knowledge of the land and weather, while helping you to make the most of new research and understanding.
Pricing indications are given in NZD but given that New Zealand is small and far away from everyone else all prices are subject to the change in exchange rates, shipping rates and manufacturer pricing. Please contact us for firm quotes.
Scott Technical Instruments has been supplying research and commercial grade instrumentation to the scientific, farming and regulatory industries for over 30 years.