Info Sheets

Caring for your weather station


The longer you have a weather (or water) station record, the more valuable your data record will be. Some simple maintenance will ensure that your investment will last for many years. Most of these require no technical skills or tools.

Your weather station is designed for long term, accurate readings of weather conditions. While it is designed to withstand outdoor conditions, it is not immune from the effects of insects, stock, blown leaves, pollen or vandals. Regular visits will help to ensure that the data it gathers is of a consistent quality.


We recommend inspections at monthly intervals.


Equipment required is:
• A small (50 mm) paint brush
• 2 litre bottle of clean tap water
• Piece of clean cloth
• Small Phillips and flat head screwdrivers
• Key to the telemetry box (only required to check modem or power)


1. Rain gauge

Check the rain gauge inlet is clear. If it looks like it may be blocked up remove the rain gauge cover and clear any spider webs interfering with tipping buckets movement or the drain holes below them. Clean any build up of pollen, slime or dust from the buckets and siphon.

REMEMBER: The datalogger records every tip of the rain gauge buckets so make sure they are held, so they don't tip, while any cleaning is being undertaken when the cover is off. (If the gauge has been faulty a couple of test tips can be done, just don't let it blow in the wind).


2. Wind sensors

Watch the wind speed and direction sensors to make sure they are moving freely.


3. Temperature and RH sensor (in louvred Radiation Screen)

Check the radiation screen protecting the temperature and RH sensor. Spiders like living in these screens and can be cleaned out using the paint brush and tie wire. Also use some water and the cloth to clean off any mildew (especially the underside) off the screen shields.


4. Solar Panel

Clean the solar panel by wiping the surface with a dry or damp cloth if necessary.


5. Remaining station equipment

Check any connecting cables are not worn or damaged (stock often like to chew these), and are secure.

Check for signs of corrosion or seepage, particularly around the top of the radiation screen or the telemetry box.

Clear vegetation from around mast, anchor points, under temp/RH sensor and raingauge.

Check mast for signs of infestations, ants, mice and spiders and remove.


6. Checking site conditions

A rough guide for checking the height of trees etc. and their likely effect on wind sensors is to stand at the mast site, raise an extended arm to eye level, then raise it 200 mm (20 deg.) and turn through 360 deg. Anything above this level could be a problem. If the object is not in the way of prevailing winds or is relatively small it can be ignored or pruned. If the site is adjacent to small plantation trees it should be remembered that these trees will grow to about 30 m. before they are harvested.


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