
Soil & Flow Monitoring Networks


All Cambell Scientific stations desribed can be combined into a network with data retrieval to a single point. This allows you to combine a weather station, remote soil and flow monitoring stations for  comprehesive data about your farm conditions. Wireless communication between stations with powerful spread spectrum radios allow you to get all the data from just a single point.

Wireless communication between stations with powerful spread spectrum radios allow you to get all the data from just a single point.

A monitoring station network may consist of the following components:

1. Central Monitoring Hub

This would be based on the High Grade Ag/Hort station with additional electronics for radio communications between sites. It would also hold a Campbell Scientific research grade CR800 datalogger to manage the data retrival and processing. This central hub would be placed in a suitable area to maximise radio transmission to other sites and could also have a full set of weather sensors.

2. Remote Stations

These should be placed at locations which are optimal for measuring what you want to measure. They could be pumping sites, soil moisture sites, water level sites or complete weather station sites. Any of the other soil, flow or weather station networks can act as remote sites.

3. Web data

All data is retrieved to a central point via radio, and then collected to a data sever using GPRS or XT telemetry. You can then monitor all sites from a secure web site.